Guangzhou to Shanwei High-Speed Trains

The 258km high-speed railway links Guangzhou and Shanwei. 17 high-speed trains and bullet trains run from Guangzhou to Shanwei between 07:06AM and 07:45PM every day. The duration is around 1.5 hours -2 hours and the ticket prices are USD27 to USD67. The fastest train G6305 with a maximum speed of 250 km/h finishs the journey in 1h26m.

There are four major railway stations in Guangzhou: Guangzhou South, Guangzhou East, Guangzhou North, Guangzhou Railway Station, and one railway station in Shanwei: Shanwei Railway Station. Most high speed trains and bullet trains depart from Guangzhou South and arrive at Shanwei Railway Station.

Book bullet trains and high speed trains from Guangzhou to Shanwei for your holiday or business travel in China. You can check live train timetables, schedules, distance, ticket costs, seat's availability and make the booking online.

Guangzhou South Railway Station, bullet trains, high speed trains to Shanwei

Ticket Cost & Train Timetable

Ticket Prices

Second Class Seat First Class Seat Business Class Seat

Timetable of 19 High-Speed Trains

Train No. Departure Arrival Duration
G6317 07:06,Guangzhou Nan (South) 08:55,Lufeng 1H49M
D7525 07:30,Guangzhou Dong(East) 09:37,Shanwei 2H7M
G6301 07:45,Guangzhou Nan (South) 09:32,Shanwei 1H47M
G6305 09:02,Guangzhou Nan (South) 10:31,Houmen 1H29M
D7501 09:20,Guangzhou Dong(East) 11:28,Shanwei 2H8M
G6325 10:11,Guangzhou Nan (South) 11:59,Shanwei 1H48M
D7537 10:26,Guangzhou Dong(East) 12:26,Shanwei 2H0M
D7513 11:30,Guangzhou Dong(East) 13:41,Shanwei 2H11M
D7533 12:16,Guangzhou Dong(East) 14:30,Shanwei 2H14M
D2381 12:40,Guangzhou Dong(East) 14:56,Lufeng 2H16M
G6337 12:59,Guangzhou Nan (South) 14:50,Shanwei 1H51M
G6321 13:54,Guangzhou Nan (South) 15:34,Shanwei 1H40M
D7509 14:40,Guangzhou Dong(East) 16:38,Shanwei 1H58M
G6309 15:46,Guangzhou Nan (South) 17:53,Lufeng 2H7M
D7517 15:48,Guangzhou Dong(East) 17:42,Houmen 1H54M
D7505 16:40,Guangzhou Dong(East) 18:51,Shanwei 2H11M
G6329 17:10,Guangzhou Nan (South) 19:02,Shanwei 1H52M
D7529 18:03,Guangzhou Dong(East) 20:11,Shanwei 2H8M
D7521 19:45,Guangzhou Dong(East) 21:51,Shanwei 2H6M

High-Speed Train Types

High-speed Train Seats