How to travel to Huanglong Scenic Area by High-Speed Train
Huanglong Scenic Area is located 26km east of Huanglong-Jiuzhai Railway Station. Travelers can take bullet train from Chengdu to Huanglong-Jiuzhai Railway Station, then switch shuttle bus or taxi to Huanglong Scenic Area.
Step 1: Book the high-speed train ticket from Chengdu to Huanglong-Jiuzhai Railway Station online, Book train tickets
Step 2: Take the train to Huanglong-Jiuzhai Railway Station from Chengdu.
Step 3: Take shuttle bus or taxi to Huanglong Scenic Area
Option A: Taxi, one way fare: around RMB100, 35 minutes
If you take the taxi, you can show the following Chinese sentence to Taxi driver:司机, 请带我去黄龙景区大门, 谢谢! (Please drive me the entrance of Huanglong Scenic Area, thank you!)
Option B: Shuttle bus, one way ticket fares: RMB28 per person, 40 minutes, the tickets can be bought on site
Shuttle bus timetables,from Huanglong-Jiuzhai Railway Station (the station square) to Huanglong Scenic Area (Seercuo International Hotel, 瑟尔嵯国际大酒店)
Pick-up hours: 08:30 - 09:10
Pick-up hours: 12:20 - 13:00
Pick-up hours: 14:00 - 14:40
Pick-up hours: 16:55 - 17:35
Pick-up hours: 20:35 - 21:15
Shuttle bus timetables, from the Huanglong Scenic Area (Seercuo International Hotel, 瑟尔嵯国际大酒店) to Huanglong-Jiuzhai Railway Station (the station square)
Departure time: 10:10
Departure time: 14:00
Departure time: 15:40
Departure time: 16:35
Departure time: 19:20
Departure time: 22:15
Note, please leave at least 1.5 hours before the departure of your train.