How to get from Chengdu Shuangliu Airport(CTU) to Tianfu Airport(TFU) by metro, bus or taxi
Chengdu Tianfu Airport(TFU) is located 67km southeast of Chengdu Shuangliu Airport(CTU). There are three public transports to travel between Chengdu Shuangliu Airport(CTU) and Chengdu Tianfu Airport: metro, shutle bus and taxi. Metro is mostly recommended. The duration is around 66 minutes, and ticket price is RMB11 per person one way
Option 1, Metro line 10 + Metro line 9 + Metro line 18, 77km, 66 minutes, RMB11
First, take Line 10 from T1 of Shuangliu Airport(双流机场1号航站楼) or T2 of Shuangliu Airport(双流机场2号航站楼) to Huaxing Station(华兴)
Duration: 6 minutes
Distance: 5km
Stop: 2-3
Interval: 8 minutes
Operation Hours: 06:30 - 23:12
Then, Transfer Metro Line 9 from Huaxing Station(华兴) to Incubation Park(孵化园)
Duration: 8 minutes
Distance: 8km
Stop: 4
Interval: 8 minutes
Operation Hours: 06:30 - 22:30
At last transfer Metro line 18 to T1/T2 Station of Tianfu Airport(T1/T2航站楼天府机场) from Incubation Park(孵化园)
Subway Station location at Tianfu airport: B1 floor
Duration: 45 minutes
Distance: 64km
Stops: 4
Interval: 9 minutes
Operation Hours: 06:10 - 22:50
Option 2: Taxi, 67km, 1 hour 5 minutes, around RMB186
Taxi is one convenient and fast, but also the most expensive way to get from Chengdu South Railway Station to Chengdu Tianfu Airport(TFU).Pick up area: 50 metres outside of Gate 2 of arrival hall (T1), Outside of Gate 4 and 5 of arrival hall(T2)
Taxi fare: around RMB186
Duration: 1 hour 5 minutes
Distance: 67km
If you take the taxi, you can show the following Chinese sentence to Taxi driver:
司机, 请带我去成都天府机场1号或者2号航站楼,谢谢! (Please drive me to Chengdu Tianfu Airport(TFU) T1 or T2, thank you!)
Airport Terminal
- Chengdu Shuangliu Airport
- Terminal 1
- Terminal 2
- Travel Between T2 and T1
- Satellite Terminal