/ Chengdu Shuangliu Airport

Chengdu Shuangliu Airport Transfers Guide

Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport(CTU) transfer guides are included domestic, international tranfers. For smooth transfer, it is recommended that passengers should leave at least 3 hours prior to the international flight departure, or 2 hours prior to the domestic flight departure.

Service Hotlines:(+86) 28-8520 5555

Transfers at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport(CTU)

Domestic Transfers

Step 1: Domestic Flight arrival Make sure that you know which terminal will receive your original flight and in which terminal you will find your transfer flight so that you can plan your transfer route beforehand.

Step 2: Luggage claim Find the number of the carousel for your luggage claim on the airport screens according to your flight number. To prevent any false or mistaken claim and to deal with random luggage inspection by security personnel, please check the bar code on your luggage tag/number and your ticket. Also, please take care of your luggage check and provide cooperation if requested.

Step 3: Complete transfer procedure Complete transfer check-in and luggage checking at the corresponding transfer counter by showing valid identity certificates and your ticket. Please be aware of the check-in time of your flight to avoid missing it. In the case of an onward flight boarding pass, transfer check-in procedures are not required.

Step 4: Security check Please prepare your ticket and valid identity certificates like ID card or passport, and hand them to the security officer for inspection.

Step 5: Waiting and boarding Follow the indications on the airport screens and guideposts to reach your target boarding gate 30~40 minutes before takeoff.

Domestic - International, HK-Macao-Taiwan Transfers

Step 1: Domestic flight arrival Make sure that you know which terminal will receive your original flight and in which terminal you will find your transfer flight so that you can plan your transfer route beforehand.

Step 2: Luggage claim Find the number of the carousel for your luggage claim on the airport screens according to your flight number. To prevent any false or mistaken claim and to deal with random luggage inspection by security personnel, please check the bar code on your luggage tag/number and your ticket. Also, please take care of your luggage check and provide cooperation if requested.

Step 3: Complete transfer procedure Complete transfer check-in and luggage checking at the corresponding transfer counter by showing valid identity certificates and your ticket. Please be aware of the check-in time of your flight to avoid missing it. In the case of an onward flight boarding pass, transfer check-in procedures are not required.

Step 4: Security check and quarantine inspection Please prepare valid identity certificates like boarding pass or passport, and hand them to the security officer for security inspection before proceeding to the quarantine inspection. Passengers from yellow fever epidemic areas should show a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to the quarantine inspection agency. Inbound passengers with fever, diarrhea, AIDS, venereal disease, mental disease, or open pulmonary tuberculosis should actively declare their state of illness to the quarantine inspection agency.

Step 5: Customs inspection Please receive customs inspection. Please take the entry declaration passage if you have any declarable items, otherwise take the green passage.

Step 6: Border inspection Foreign passengers should fill in a Foreigner Exit Registration Card (not required for Chinese citizens). Please line up to complete exit inspection procedure.

Step 7: Waiting and boarding Follow the indications on the airport screens and guideposts to reach your target boarding gate 30~40 minutes before takeoff.

International, HK-Macao-Taiwan - Domestic Transfers

Step 1: International flight arrival Make sure that you know which terminal will receive your original flight and in which terminal you will find your transfer flight so that you can plan your transfer route beforehand.

Step 2: Quarantine inspection and border inspection The passengers should undergo an entry quarantine procedure before proceeding to the border inspection zone. Passengers from yellow fever epidemic areas should show a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to the quarantine inspection agency. Inbound passengers with fever, diarrhea, AIDS, venereal disease, mental disease, or open pulmonary tuberculosis should actively declare their state of illness to the quarantine inspection agency.Passengers should hand their travel certificates, boarding pass, and Foreigner Entry Registration Card to the border inspection policemen, and proceed with entry after all inspection and sealing steps have been completed.

Step 3: Luggage claim Find the number of the carousel for your luggage claim on the airport screens according to your flight number. To prevent any false or mistaken claim and to deal with random luggage inspection by security personnel, please check the bar code on your luggage tag/number and your ticket. Also, please take care of your luggage check and provide cooperation if requested.

Step 4: Customs inspection Please cooperate as instructed during customs inspection. Please take the entry declaration passage if you have any declarable items, otherwise take the green passage.

Step 5: Complete transfer procedure Complete transfer check-in and luggage checking at the corresponding transfer counter by showing valid identity certificates and your ticket. Please be aware of the check-in time of your flight to avoid missing it. In the case of an onward flight boarding pass, transfer check-in procedures are not required.

Step 6: Security check Please prepare your ticket and valid identity certificates like ID card or passport, and hand them to the security officer for inspection

Step 7: Waiting and boarding Follow the indications on the airport screens and guideposts to reach your target boarding gate 30~40 minutes before takeoff.

International Transfers

Step 1: International flight arrival Make sure that you know which terminal will receive your original flight and in which terminal you will find your transfer flight so that you can plan your transfer route beforehand.

Step 2: Inspection and quarantine The passengers should undergo an entry quarantine procedure before proceeding to the border inspection zone. Passengers from yellow fever epidemic areas should show a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate to the quarantine inspection agency. Inbound passengers with fever, diarrhea, AIDS, venereal disease, mental disease, or open pulmonary tuberculosis should actively declare their state of illness to the quarantine inspection agency.

Step 3: Complete transfer procedure Hand the transfer luggage check to service personnel. The service personnel will fetch your luggage from the arrival carousels and arrange for transfer luggage check-in. Upon completion of the transfer check-in procedure, service personnel will guide you through the transfer security inspection and lead you to the corresponding international boarding gate.

Step 4: Waiting and boarding Follow the indications on the airport screens and guideposts to reach your target boarding gate 30~40 minutes before takeoff.

Departures, Arrivals and Transfers

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